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Western media duplicity in the Ukraine-Russia war? The stench of racism lurking in the Western brain.

 Nineteen ninety-one years. Due to the changing policy of the then president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet empire collapsed at the end of the Nervous War. Fifteen independent countries were born after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Berlin Wall fell the previous year. Communist-minded East Germany came to merge with Capitalist-minded West Germany. The following year the Russian Empire collapsed and with it the end of the Nervous War. While the heads of state of Western countries are sipping a glass of whiskey called chairs. A young KGB agent sitting in Sen. Pittsburg is stunned. Who knows that agent may have sworn in his heart that day. In any case, one day he will unite the Soviet Union again. We do not know whether any such vows were made that day. But when you stand in March 2012 and hear that KGB agent's name is Vladimir Putin, it's only natural to have such an idea in your mind.

This is the talk of fiction. Now let's talk about what happened and what may happen in detail. Russia's troops have invaded Ukraine, fighting on land and in the air. Several areas of Ukraine have gone under the control of Russian troops and surprisingly. Ukraine still survives the war and quite well. Ukraine has been able to gain the support of Western countries. International organizations are trying to overcome Russia by imposing various sanctions. Everyone knows this. But why suddenly rang the bell of war? What is the background of this war? Will Putin stop occupying Ukraine?

Like Hitler, he will pursue an aggressive policy of conquering the rest of Europe. Let's get lost in this realm of spheres. For a long time there was speculation about the threat of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. At the beginning of this year, Russia deployed more than 100,000 soldiers on the northern and eastern borders of Ukraine. And then the US made it clear that Russia was preparing to attack. However, the United States did not take any effective diplomatic initiative to prevent that attack. Like the United States, the European Union expressed concern and did not take any steps to save Ukraine. The US intelligence report said that on February 14, Russia could attack Ukraine. But nothing happened on that day, rather Russia was withdrawing its troops from some places where the army was deployed. There was a lot of laughter about American intelligence reports. But all calculations changed on February 24. At the order of Putin, the Russian army launched an all-out attack on Ukraine. Russian aircraft began striking Ukrainian military targets.

On the other hand, the Russian ground forces crossed the northern and southern borders and entered Ukraine. Due to the attack on Ukraine, several countries including the United States, European Union, Japan have already imposed strict sanctions on Russia. Most of these sanctions are economic.

They are suggesting to isolate the country from the international system by imposing an economic embargo on Russia. All in all, the reality is that the geopolitical conflict between an almost astutely resurgent Russia and an increasingly defensive West is entrenched. The context of Russia's aggression in Ukraine has been created for a long time. In 2014, Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine. This is how the Ukraine crisis began. But if you want to know the beginning story, you have to go further into the past. The annexation of Crimea also has an earlier history. At one time Ukraine was part of the Soviet Republic. For almost two hundred years, the ownership of the Crimean peninsula was in the hands of Russia.

In nineteen fifty-four, the then Soviet leader Nikita transferred ownership of Crimea to Ukraine. At that time he did not even realize that within a few decades the Soviet Union would break into pieces. After the independence of Ukraine, like some other communist countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet republics, two political trends became quite clear in Ukraine. A part wants to be closer to Western Europe. Join the European Union and become a member of the NATO military alliance for self-defense. But the other part. Strongly favors having a Russian sphere of influence. Because a large part of the population of Ukraine is Russian-speaking. In 2014, the pro-Russian president of Ukraine Viktoriano Kovich was ousted in the face of protests. Then he had to flee the country. President Victoriano Covic wanted to walk in two boats. He was at odds with the western countries. But again he was showing devotion and respect to Moscow. Those who came to power after his fall took steps that angered Putin. Moscow supports armed rebellions in the Russian-occupied territories inside Ukraine. Russian troops then intervened in support of these rebels. At one point, Russia occupied Crimea and declared it as part of their country.

Russia is a big country. The largest country in the world. Spanning across eleven time zones. But the population of the country is only fourteen million and forty million. Much less than Nigeria or Pakistan. It was very necessary to occupy such a large country and annex the Crimea to its own borders? Such questions may arise. No matter how big Russia is, they have only one problem. They almost do not have important warm water ports that can be kept operational throughout the year. The Russian boat in Crimea Sebastopol is very important to Russia for strategic reasons. This port is Russia's entrance to the Baltic Sea. They did not agree to let it be missed. Therefore, Russia will not accept that Ukraine will be a member of NATO. Despite Russia's objections, Ukraine is trying to join NATO. And that's when the conflict started from irony. Many reasons will come up when looking for the answer to the question why Russia wants to keep Ukraine under their control. There are geopolitical, economic and military. Many reasons can be found.

First of all, Ukraine is rich in mineral resources. Moreover, this Ukraine was one of the agricultural regions of the Soviet Union. Second, apart from the historical context, as the largest country in Eastern Europe after Russia, Ukraine is very important for Russia's geographical security, and thirdly, because of the experience of the Russian nation, all the foreign attacks on Russia in the past have come to the plains of Northern Europe. So it's not possible for Russia to agree to Ukraine being a part of NATO and that's why Russia has already taken over Crimea to basically keep Ukraine out of NATO and started a war in Russia.

If there is a war, the whole world will be involved in it in one way or another. Moreover, Ukraine is not a third world country. Putin knew that Europe and America would stand by Ukraine. But still constantly attacked. And pretty much forced everyone to keep quiet for the first few days. No one dared to send troops to help Ukraine, but where is the strength of Putin's pole?

Russia's biggest emphasis is on its energy. Gas goes from Russia to Europe through pipelines through Ukraine. If this gas supply stops Russia. Then many homes in Europe will not even run the heater. European union countries that import the most natural gas from the four countries. They are Russia, Norway, Algeria and Qatar. Forty one percent of the gas comes from Russia, that is, almost half of it. If the West tries to stand up against Russia, it will directly cut off that gas supply every day. European countries will have to spend four times more to buy gas from alternative sources. It is clear that Putin does not attach much importance to sanctions or blockades. The occupation of Ukraine has now become an image battle for him.

It is now a matter of time for Russia to establish full control over Ukraine. In the thick of it, what is understood so far is that Russia can remove the current president of Ukraine, Zelensky, and install a pro-Russian government in Cuba.

The presence of Russia in the country may start the second chapter of the Cold War in the world. But the world is not the least of these two forces. Tri is going to become a ring of power. United States, Russia and China. At present, the warming of China-Russia relations is very clear. On the issue of Ukraine, China is on the side of the state. China was the main among the three countries that abstained from voting against Russia in the United Nations Security Council on February 24 to stop the attack after the Russian attack on Ukraine, India and the United Arab Emirates abstained from voting with China.

Russia's attack on Ukraine initially seems to be a crisis in Europe, but it will have an economic impact on the whole world. A new equation of world politics will be created. South Asia cannot be left out of this equation. By refraining from voting against Russia, India has already signaled the depth of the relationship. India's relationship with Russia has recently been rekindled through the purchase of military equipment. India recently bought the S4 Hundred, the latest missile system from Russia. On the other hand, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan visited Moscow amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Imran's visit is believed to be due to the involvement of Russia and members of the Russian Federation in Afghanistan and the relationship of both countries with China. If Russia is attacked in any way by America or NATO, China will be on their side, Iran and Turkey are also likely to choose sides and the most important thing is that such use of the global economic infrastructure in imposing sanctions will later lose the trust of the subservient structure to the opposing countries including Russia and China. will force them to create alternative systems. Which will have a negative impact on globalization. China is already pushing hard to establish the yen as its currency as an alternative to the dollar and euro.

Another funny thing happened by Russia invading Ukraine. Western countries, especially America, are trying to prove themselves as a very pacifist state. But the bitter truth is that they do not want war or want peace. It does not fit in the face of other western countries. They never hesitate to fight for their own interests. History says so. Here's a little reminder. The United States alone has directly or indirectly changed governments in at least 84 countries under the Mondo Doctrine. Current examples include countries like Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan. When George Bush had already decided to invade Iraq, England, Germany and France did not support this decision at first.

But when the United States said that they would not have any part of the oil resources and construction work in Iraq after the war, England went to Germany, France, and Russia. But when they shoot and bomb and kill innocent people, it is called terrorism. Again, there is no reason to think of washing basil leaves in Russia. Bashar al-Assad has killed thousands of people in Syria. Russia helped that country. Russian forces also bombed serial hospitals. To prevent the spread of communism, the United States had to actively enter the war in Afghanistan and Vietnam. What is the horror of war? The people of Europe have been able to function well since the two world wars of how many centuries. If you notice, it will be understood that the world wars were mainly centered on Europe. So the war in the lower continent for Europe. Never desirable. The last war on European soil was in nineteen ninety-two and ninety-four years. In the former youth slammer ground which is known as Balkam war. After a long period of war in different parts of the world, a politics of unity and peace has prevailed in Europe. The issue of Ukraine is the same as that of West Bengal, but the opposite picture can be seen in other conflict-ridden countries of the world. The same reluctance has been seen when Israel is attracted to Fiji against the Saudi attack in Yemen or against the US administration's war in Afghanistan. Where there is a conflict between the East and the West in the world system. But why? The answer to why comes from a statement by CBS News Senior Correspondent Charlie Weed. These present Abdul, you know like your g seen, think different than Iraqis or ignorant people, Europeans are not only weeds. Western policies seem to think that they are common. In addition to this, Western media originates from Western ideas and sees a big role of racism or white supremacy. What is behind this kind of behavior of the West is their white supremacy and racist thinking. No matter how much the West talks about diversity, the racism that remains in their society and state has been revealed again through this war. Radical members of right-wing organizations in Ukraine are appearing as freedom fighters in the media.

Ukrainian refugees are getting a three-year residency permit with asylum in neighboring countries. At the same time, refugees are freezing to death in the Mediterranean due to the Coast Guard's pushback. Putin will never allow Ukraine to join NATO with this duplicity. In addition, Putin demanded the removal of NATO forces and military installations from Eastern Europe to countries that have joined NATO since 1997. He even claimed that weapons capable of attacking near the border of Russia cannot be deployed. This means reining in NATO's activities in Europe, Eastern Europe and the Baltic region. Russia insisted that the KF should surrender its weapons. And Russia does not seem to be able to accept this demand. But the ball is still in Russia's court. What Putin wants will be there. Therefore, more lives will be lost in this bloody conflict, more property will be lost and commodity prices will increase. The victims will be the people of the whole world. We are not so easily freed from the violence of war.


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