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Why do Bangladeshis hate India?

The liberation war is going on in December 1771. India didn't share directly in the emancipation war. They're conducting political conditioning on behalf of Bangladesh. About one crore deportees have taken retreat in India. The temporary headquarters of the Mujibnagar Government has been set up in Kolkata. The freedom fighters bivouacked in the border region of India and attacked the Pakistani army from there.  On the autumn of December 3rd, the also Chief of Army Staff General Shyam dialled the Chief of Staff of India's Eastern Army, Lieutenant General Jack Jacob. Manik told Jacob to tell Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that Pakistani aeroplanes have bombed fields in the western part of India. Indira Gandhi decided incontinently. India declared war against Pakistan. 

Indira Gandhi's government honoured Bangladesh as an independent country on December 6. Bangladesh has completed fifty times of age. Bangladesh's relationship with India is fifty times old. But in the last fifty times, an anti-Indian sentiment has awakened sprucely among numerous people of this country. The state played an important part in independent Bangladesh. Those who have sheltered and fed our 1 crore vulnerable people. The fact that strong public opinion was formed against the country that helped the freedom fighters with arms and training is intimidating enough. There's no room to underrate it. But how did this situation arise? India and Bangladesh still have the same heart friend? How important of that fellowship is of the heart and how important of the face? It's veritably important to know the answers to this trueness. No matter what Indian President Ram Nath Kovind says, Bangladesh occupies a veritably special place in India's heart. But we noway suppose that in India's geste  as a state. 

India has always played the role of big brother with Bangladesh in regional politics. There was a grandfatherly attitude in their behaviour all the time. Bangladesh has never taken a position against India in regional organizations like SAARC or BEUS TECH. They have always received unwavering support from Bangladesh. But India's behaviour towards neighbouring countries or its citizens was never pleasant. The border between Bangladesh and India is about four thousand one hundred kilometres. All over the world. Which is the fifth-longest border link. India does not have such a long border with Pakistan or China. The Indian Border Guard Force BSF has always fired on Bangladeshi citizens without adhering to the Land Border Agreement. Sometimes in no man's land and sometimes from inside Bangladesh, the people of the country have been taken to India. Unspeakable torture has been carried out. Because of that torture, some died, and some were crippled. Felani's body is walking on barbed wire. The international media has moved. The court of India has acquitted everyone by organizing a farce drama in the name of justice. This amount of Bangladeshis is killed every year in the hands of the BSF. Not even one-tenth of its people are shot dead by the soldiers of other countries on the border of any other country in the world.

If this is the behaviour of a friendly country, questioning that friendship is not unreasonable at all. India's relationship with Bangladesh is not only diplomatic or financial but social and the relationship between the people of the two countries, language, culture, clothing, food, and proximity. That relationship has a distinct emphasis and will continue to exist in the future. But in the warmth of that relationship, India is doing the watering itself. After the BJP came to power in India, these things have happened a lot and are visible. The BJP government wants to impose the provisions like CAA and NRC on the people only to implement their strict Hindutva ideology. And in the way of providing that job, they are attacking Bangladesh in a very bad way. To the citizens of Bangladesh. It cannot be the work of a friend. Whenever India needs Bangladesh, Bangladesh has helped Bangladesh by destroying itself. Be it in the case of supplying Feni river water to the border areas of India or in the case of sending essential goods from West Bengal to the eastern states including Tripura, Assam, and Meghalaya using the land of Bangladesh. But the water of the Teesta river has not found any solution in Bangladesh even today. There is no solution to the Farakkabad border killings, which are pierced like a thorn in the neck. People are dying in BSF firing and those killings are being made legal by putting the level of cow or drug smugglers.

According to the rules of river law in 1966, no upstream country will be able to deliberately build dams, barrages, power plants, and Swiss gates on international rivers. Which is harmful to the country of Bhati. Similarly, in 1997, the United Nations Convention on the Flow of Waters stated that international rivers cannot be used in such a way as to cause serious harm or inconvenience to other countries. Despite having so many laws on international rivers, India as an imperialist and hegemonic state does not obey any of them. Bangladesh has never received its fair share of Teesta water as one after another dams and power plants have been constructed on the rivers in defiance of international law. India has constructed various structures including barrages in several of the fifty-four identical rivers. Starting from India's famous intellectual and activist Arundhati Roy, conscious Indian and civil society have also struggled in different ways.

Twenty-five years after the Ganga treaty, we have not yet found our fair water account. Due to one Farakka dam, about twenty small and big rivers have disappeared from the map of Bangladesh. Bangladesh's reputation as a riverine country has now disappeared. In place of twelve rivers, only two hundred and thirty rivers survive. In addition, India is like a thorn in the neck of the dead, withholding water in the dry season and putting us in the face of drought and releasing water in the rainy season, drowning thousands of our villages under water. Due to this terrible floods and waterlogging are occurring in Bangladesh every year during monsoon. Desertification occurs again during the dry season. India's Citizenship Act identifies Bangladesh as a country that persecutes minorities, just like Pakistan. That is not acceptable in any way. About twelve lakhs Bangladeshi Indians have been given foreign titles in Assam's civil registry. India called it their internal affairs. Bangladesh officially accepted it. But the question of which country these foreigners came to India is always hanging over the head of Bangladesh like the sword of democracy. What has hurt the people of Bangladesh the most, is the use of insulting words by the Indian high leadership on the alleged Bangladeshi illegal infiltrators. BJP leaders have regularly attacked Bangladesh and the people of this country with harsh words. A friend's behaviour towards a friend can never be like this.

India has brought Bangladesh down to the ranks of its arch-enemy Pakistan on this issue. About two million tourists from Bangladesh visit India every year. Their visas are issued by missions in India. The Indian government presents this large number of visas as a huge boon. But these tourists add billions of dollars to the Indian economy every year. It is not mentioned anywhere. The undeniable contribution of Bangladeshi citizens to the two sectors of India, health, and tourism, has been seen during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sellers of Kolkata's New Market complained that there were no Bangladeshi buyers. Alleged illegal infiltration from Bangladesh is a favourite subject of Indian politicians and journalists. But Bangladesh also earns the livelihood of a significant number of Indian citizens and is the fourth largest recipient of India's remittances in the world. It is not mentioned anywhere. Many of the people occupying high positions in Bangladesh's garment sector and multinational companies are Indians. They have indeed got jobs in those positions on their own merit. But the matter of sending the money earned from this country to their own country is not discussed. The discussion was diverted. With the example of people going from Bangladesh to work in India. Eastern states of India like Tripura, Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, and Arunachal. The emergence of separatist guerillas in these places was remarkable. They regularly clashed with Indian troops and many soldiers were killed in their attacks. The arms that these separatist groups received came from China or Myanmar. It has been ensured that the land of Bangladesh cannot be used against India in any way. Assam ULFA leader Anup Chetia was arrested and handed over to India.

Despite getting so much, India's behaviour towards Bangladesh was not kind. India did not treat us like a friend when Bangladesh was suffering under the pressure of the refugees from Myanmar over the Rohingya issue. They did not say a single word against Myanmar in the international forum. It kept its mouth shut on the important issue. The right of the huge area of ​​the maritime boundary in the Bay of Bengal that Bangladesh has received from India, but had to go to the International Maritime Court to collect.

What is the need for a friend to a friend? Help will be available in case of danger, and friendship will be higher on the priority list. So? But whatever the mouth says. Bangladesh's position in India's priority list was never very high. Consider this corona time. Bangladesh signed an agreement with India's Serum Institute to buy Oxford Estrogencar for Tk 3 crore. Apart from this, the Government of India gave thirty-two lakh doses as a gift to Bangladesh. But in the middle of last year, the Indian government took possession of all the vaccines produced at the Serum Institute. Bangladesh did not get three crore doses of vaccine as promised. Bangladesh has been forced to enter into a new agreement with China's Sino-Form. Don't think about your friend, think only about yourself in this difficult time of the epidemic. It cannot be the work of any friend. Friendship is dishonoured. India has put Bangladesh in danger by stopping the export of onion several times before. A full eight point two billion dollar equivalent comes to Bangladesh every year from India. No other country in South Asia exports so many Indian products. Only America exports more Indian products than the rest of the world. On the other hand, India exports Bangladeshi products worth only 1.26 billion dollars every year. The difference in the exports of the two countries is evident to highlight the dividing wall. It should be remembered that Bangladesh has not been legally importing Indian cows for the past few years. India can use Bangladesh for this huge amount of export trade except for cows. But that amount of benefits or status is not available in India. Many products which Bangladesh exports abroad are imported by India to other countries. India is sending its products to Bangladesh through the Benapole border even in this Corona period, but Bangladeshi products are not allowed to enter India on the pretext of Coronavirus. In protest, CNF agents of Bangladesh have stopped the clearance of Indian goods at the border. The point is that India took Bangladesh as taken for granted. Because it is not possible that Bangladesh will ever take a diplomatic position outside the Indian circle. India also knew it.

But without taking diplomatic status against India, Bangladesh has focused on developing international relations while reducing its dependence. At the same time, China and America are keeping these two countries in their hands. On the other hand, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan wants to make friends with Bangladesh. That's when India shook. From India's foreign secretary to India's prime minister or president, they have flown to Bangladesh in sweet words and described how good friends these two countries are. Bangladesh's location in the international arena is very important from a geopolitical point of view, so China wants to keep us in its hands. America wants good relations with us. And India wants Bangladesh to patronize only him excluding everyone else. India wants to be the superpower of the region. In the way of that desire, the rest have put thorns constantly. India's direct enmity with China or Pakistan. Their relationship with Sri Lanka or Nepal is the same as before. Neither does that affect prestige?

India's closest friends in the region are the Bangladeshis, who have not yet entered the Chinese ring. India needs Bangladesh if it wants to be. Again, it is not possible for Bangladesh to ignore India while walking on the path of becoming the economic centre of South Asia. These two countries complement each other. So the relationship of friendship should be fifty-fifty. Let there be mutual dignity and respect. In addition, both countries must ensure mutual respect and respect for the lives and economic security of citizens. Must walk shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand. in parallel. It is an equal loss for both countries to turn a friendship that started with help and sympathy at the birth of a state into bitterness or enmity.


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