This concept has gained quite a lot of popularity in the past few years and for good reason. What is this whole thing? It can be summed up as minimalism is about retaining what is most valuable in our lives and deliberately discarding everything else that distracts us. That is, having a clear idea about what is most important in life and what things are most valuable to us and leaving everything else. Live with them. But despite such a definition, minimalism is not a restrictive way of life, nor does it mean that to be a minimalist you have to follow any specific criteria. A minimalist lifestyle is something that is unique to every person. In this case, the main thing is to have a clear idea about what is really important and necessary and live accordingly. Dear visitors let's see how minimalism can change your lifestyle.
Minimalist Home
The minimalist life must be deliberately chosen and it must be transparent, ruthless, and purposeful. Because every person's life thoughts, meditations, and ideas are unique, it is necessary to go deep within yourself and first find your passion and what is important. If you search Google by typing minimalism life, you can see pictures of beautiful and tidy rooms. A bed, a table, a flower top next to it. Just a few crew cases in the kitchen. A handful of clothes in the wardrobe. Everything is sparkling clean. In fact, this minimalist life means more things to be tidy in life. For example, the number of our Facebook friends is three thousand plus. Identify the right people and delete the rest. Minimalism can give you freedom from materialistic life.
Modern life and culture have taught us that all happiness lies in the possession of material possessions and that the more material possessions one possesses the happier one's life will be. We've been taught that the more you can achieve, the better, and advertisements are promoting such that happiness can now be bought in department stores.
But this concept is definitely wrong. Minimalist life frees us from this totalitarian spirit of possessing material possessions. Gives the courage to move away from this mechanical life of consumerism and seek happiness elsewhere. Minimalism emphasizes relationships, experiences and of course spiritual care. It shows us that what we already possess is enough. Minimalism teaches us to be grateful and thereby we find abundance in less. Minimalism provides relief from the frenzy of modern life. Modern life is very fast-paced.
We always seem to be in a star, wanting everything fast and suffering all the time. We have to work long hours to pay these various bills and taxes. But even then our debt continues to increase day by day. We constantly rush from one task to another. I even work on the street. Then our work is never finished. All the time we keep communicating with each other on the phone. But I have never seen the true relationship that makes life beautiful. But minimalism brings relief from this miserable pace of life and gives an opportunity to get out of this frenzy of modern life. It shows us that we have the freedom not to do unnecessary things and only those that are absolutely necessary. Learn to live with them. Although not intentionally, modern life has forced most people to live deceptive life. In a way, they live with their families. Another way with their colleagues at work. Again with the neighbors are seen in a completely different form. The life they have chosen forces them to create an outward form that has to change over and over again with the circumstances. Minimalism, on the other hand, teaches us to build a strong and steadfast life and character. Which is compatible with any condition. The character of a minimum list is exactly the same on Friday as it is on Sunday at work. This type of character is reliable and relaxed. A minimum list character is similar in all aspects and his life. Honest, transparent, and pure.
Counter culture refers to the creation of another culture against the mainstream culture. We currently live in an age where celebrities are worshipped. Daily newspapers, magazines, TV, radio everywhere show their walk and their life as the highest standard of modern life. As a result common people blindly try to imitate their consumerist lifestyle.
minimalism, minimalist wallpaper
Being a minimalist is not an impossible task or a utopian fantasy. Totally achievable. There are many living examples of individuals and families who live a very simple life in a very simple house, renouncing all external glitz. Many of them were asked and it was found that they are satisfied with this life and do not want to go back to their previous life. Now is the best time to choose the minimum life. Because this one gadget phone is taking away a lot of our time constantly. We are getting restless after seeing his life and comparing it with ourselves. Not only that, a terrible form of depression is forming inside us.
There are some misconceptions people have about minimalism that need to be mentioned. Many people think minimalism is about giving up everything. But in reality, minimalism does not mean giving up everything but keeping only what is valuable and necessary in life. Although the two things seem close, the difference is fundamental. Others feel that minimalism has many restrictions that make life more difficult. As mentioned earlier, minimalism has no hard and fast rules or standards. Minimalism does not mean that no hobby or collecting habit can be seen. Which many people assume. Even many people think that a minimalist lifestyle is not possible if there are children. It's true that there is a difference between living a minimalist life as a family and living a minimalist life alone. But both are equally possible and in some cases teaching children to live a minimalist life is even more important. For creative people, the simpler the better. The complexity is that time passes by while thinking about other things and there is no chance to think about anything good. Modern life is undoubtedly full of complications.
But a little thought shows that all these complications are not natural but the problems created by this consumerist modern life and they can be abandoned only by trying. A minimalist lifestyle can help us a lot in this regard. Minimalism can change your meditation concept, life, consciousness, and everything. Make your residence more artistic. Give more time for your family. Stay worry-free. Sorting, tidying, and simplicity are the main points of minimalism. Dear audience till today. Thanks for being with me.
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