Every Muslim knows that Israel will become the undisputed leading state of the world before the end of the world. In any case, let's not go to the religious discussion today from the neutral point, we will see today how far Israel has progressed on the way to the world revolution?
Israel's current position after going through hundreds of downhill politics, apolitical wars, and the cold war. Currently, Israel is in a position where you can either make Israel from your place or not. But you can't ignore Israel. Because the world's politics, economy, foreign policy, spying, media, banking system, and big tech giant companies are being controlled by Israel will force you to discuss Israel. Just three hundred years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Emperor Constantine proclaimed Christianity as the state religion.
Since then, the position of the Jews in the Roman Empire began to be fragile. Since then, Jews have spread to different European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Poland, England and Russia. During this time, daily life became more difficult for them. For example, when the First Crusade was announced in thousand and ninety-five, Germany, in cities such as Worms and Minds, Christians jumped on the Jews. About seven hundred Jews died in that attack. In 1144, Jews were accused of infanticide. In 1290, the entire Jewish community was expelled from England. King's fourth ferry did the same in France. It appears that the Jews have been in conflict with the Christians since before the Muslims. Anti-Semitism was at its peak in the fifteenth century. In 1421, about 30,000 Jews were burned to death by Spanish requisition. After the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, they sought refuge in the Ottoman Empire.
Then various businesses started to come into the hands of the Jews. Jews were seen by the Ottomans as their allies, diplomats and spies. After the Protestant movement, around fifteen hundred years, the position of the Jews in Europe began to improve. During this time, their Kabbalah and philosophy flourished in Spain and France. After the French Revolution, European governments created constitutions in which the people enjoyed greater freedom than before, which allowed Jews to work more freely. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Jews became economically more prosperous. About two million Jews came to America from eighteen eighty to nineteen fourteen ie until the First World War. In America, they basically started the journalist movement.
However, it can be said that in the early twentieth century, the Jews became an economically prosperous nation. Their economic capacity also accelerates the journalistic movement and forces powerful states to speak on their behalf. Note that the Journalist Association was established in 1897. Whose goal was to establish an independent Jewish state in Palestine. But we all know the subsequent history. We understand three things from each other's discussion.
First. After the Second World War, the attempt to create a Jewish state did not come suddenly, but the idea of a Jewish state was being propagated even earlier. Second, Jewish economic prosperity and Jewish influence in European markets led to mutually beneficial Jewish relations with the Western world and Britain. And third, in human history, minorities have been persecuted in many countries of the world. The Jews were the most successful race in exploiting the sympathy of the oppressed minorities and journalist activists played an important role in this.
Now the question is how the state of Israel has become an unstoppable state. before us
First, Israel received recognition from the outside world. Although there is a theological discussion behind the establishment of the state of Israel, there are also many political discussions behind it. At the beginning of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States were busy fightings for world domination. The Middle East was not out of your attention because the Palestinian region in the Middle East is an important route from which the Middle East can be easily controlled. So everyone wanted to take control of this area. In continuation this, the United States confirmed their access to the Middle East by establishing the state of Israel in the Middle East.
So many people call Israel a proxy state. In terms of involvement in international politics, it is not only if the territory is independent, but its independence needs to be recognized by other countries. After Israel was formed as a state, its main challenge was to gain recognition from the outside world.
We see that on May 24th, 1948, the US President Heavy Astromon recognized Israel just ten minutes after the declaration of the state of Israel. Soviet President Stalin strangely recognizes Israel.
In the beginning, many countries disagreed to recognize Israel, but now eighty-three per cent of the world has recognized Israel due to Israel's capabilities and geopolitical reality. There is a term in Israeli national politics called the Iron World fac which states that Israel must be as strong as the Iron Wall to the point that no one will have any other option but to recognize Israel's existence.
Secondly, no Arab state at that time wanted the establishment of a state called Israel, from an ideological point of view.
Even after the establishment of the state of Israel, Israel fought three wars with different Arab states. The first was in 1948 and 59, the second was in 1956 and the third was in 1967. Arab states were defeated three times. Countries like Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia led the Arabs in these wars. The Arab League is the parent organization of Arab countries. One of the objectives of the Arab League is not to develop any kind of diplomatic relations with Israel. Currently, more countries are in their ideological position, but Egypt is the first Arab League state to recognize Israel. Then Jordan respectively recognized Israel. United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and finally Morocco. Turkey recognized Israel as the first Muslim country. Third, Israel's relationship with the United States and Israel's influence on American politics. Israel's interference in US politics is a very common issue and it can be said that everyone knows it. There are different Israel or Zionist lobbying groups in the United States. Those who basically fund various candidates in the United States during the election and work to rescue the interests of the funding lobby when the candidate wins the election.
The largest pro-Israel lobbying group in the United States is Christians United for Israel and another is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Pro-Israel Jewish lobby groups spent five million US dollars on US elections in 2018 alone.
In addition to political relations, Israel's arm has official relations with the United States. In the 1940s, three-tenths seven per cent of America's population was Jewish. Before the corona epidemic, the Jewish population stood at 71 million, which is two per cent of the national population.
It is shocking. Thirty-seven per cent of Americans who won the Nobel Prize are Jews. Fourth is the relationship between Israel and Russia. Although Israel was against Russia in the war of nerves. But now his relationship with Israel is very good. Maintaining good relations with America's adversaries demonstrates how strong Israel's diplomatic capital is. About 100,000 Israelis live in Russia, of which 80,000 live in Moscow. Israel company Hetas Shah helped to develop Russia's first Covid-19 vaccine.
Due to good diplomatic relations with Russia, even if Ukraine wanted to buy the Iron Dome from Israel in 2022, Israel did not sell it. Fifth is military power and nuclear activities.
Israel is one of the most powerful states in terms of military. The name of Israel's combined defence forces is IDF or Israel Defense Force. Their basic principle is that no side can be taken in any war. All the men and women of Israel have to work in an army. Israel remains at the top of the list of countries with the highest military spending.
In 2021, their military budget was 24.3 billion dollars. Israel is believed to have nuclear weapons. There are also said to be eighty to four hundred nuclear weapons.
However, Israel has never openly shared information about its military and nuclear activities. Sixth is the media and news industry. Jews dominate the movie industry and news media. Coroner Brothers, Paramount, MBC, CBSC, etc. are owned by many people. Many people think that Times washing post these newspapers are controlled by Jews.
Many Jews work in the research and development of tech zines like Saptamat Techup, IBF, PayPal, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter. It is constantly breathing down the neck of Israel's Silicon Valley. With more than 4,000 tech band companies and inventions, Tel Aviv is now far ahead. Many of Google's inventions and even the world's largest microchip company, Intel, have seen much of their success subsidized by Israel.
Eighth Mossad. Mossad's role in expanding Israel's global dominance is unique.
New digital surveillance technology. In this world of increasing technological marvels, we see the tendency of rulers to control people through technology, where personal privacy is not taken into account in many cases. The person being watched does not even know he is under surveillance. During the time of liberal moral democracy, many have called such a digital survey lens soft total terrorism. Israel is far ahead in the direction of developing surveillance technology using big data analysis and micro-targeting artificial intelligence.
Through this technology, it is possible to rule not only the people of a country but the whole world. Israel's NOS also works with these technologies. The widely discussed Pegasus software is created by them. It is believed to have been used on some heads of state, important political figures and human rights activists in forty-five countries. Even since Morocco is very close to Europe, Israel keeps all the European countries under surveillance while sitting in Morocco. That is what it is supposed to be. What do you understand when going to finish? It is really difficult to answer the question of whether Israel is going to be the desert of the world. It is not easy to call a country in the current multipolar world system, but it can be said that Israel is one of the most powerful states. And it is sure that Israel, China, Russia, and America will be open and will not enter the fight to grow up in the world. Because they already can handle the mobs. The creation of the state of Israel results from the persecution of a minority and the use of the word minority for political gain. Therefore, Israel will never want to fall behind politically with the title of World Maral.
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