Suppose someone kidnapped you. Stuck somewhere unknown. Or taken hostage to achieve a special purpose. Maybe the abductors aim to kill you. The police are not looking for you. Meanwhile, your relatives are restless with anxiety. After one leg or two weeks, maybe you were rescued. These few days you have not seen the light of the sun. An hour in captivity seems to you as long as a month. How will you feel about the kidnappers after release? You will want to chew them when you get them, right? But what if you start praising those kidnappers after returning home instead of doing that?
So people will look down on you? If you do not properly assist the police in the investigation of the crime, it is natural that you will be questioned. Even more surprising. Know when that will happen? When going to court you will say. You actually have no complaint against those who kidnapped you. You also want to sue them. What are you thinking? Why do you do such madness? Call it crazy or whatever. Many people on earth have given birth to such feats thousands of times. Where the victim of a crime feels unlimited kindness towards the crime, psychology has named this rare mental condition in humans as stock home syndrome. To find the history of this naming we have to go back to an incident about fifty nine years ago. Nineteen seventy-three years. Sweden's capital stock home. The day was August twenty-third. At that time the busiest bank in Stockholm was Credit Bank which has now changed its name to Nadia Bank. A group of notorious robbers named Jane, Eric, and Olson attacked that bank with a team. The Swedish police had been looking for this robber for a long time. Karma Chanchal then came to the bank where Eric and one of his accomplices entered the bank with weapons to make transactions. The security guard standing at the front door was shot. Journalists of print and electronic media were rushed and TV channels started live broadcasting. The incident instantly became the talk of the town. This news spread everywhere in America. A state of national emergency has been declared in Sweden. The security system in the banks was not very strong then. Because of this, Eric K did not have to face any obstacles to enter with weapons.
After taking a few hostages inside the bank, Eric made his demands known to the police and reporters outside. First of all, his friend Clark Olupson should be brought to him. Who was a robber himself. In addition, they will pay three million Suris Pronar. He will need bullet proof jackets, weapons, helmets and fast cars if he does not get them by today, he will start shooting one by one from the hostages. It was not possible for the police to accept all the demands of the robbers. Because first of all, the robber's words cannot be trusted. He can kill anyone to save his own skin. Moreover, handing over extra weapons, bulletproof vests and cars to him means that he can make a safe escape. Meanwhile, the friend Clark was brought. Two friends sat inside the bank to consult. And outside, the police were struggling with how to arrest the robbers alive without causing damage. You will understand how much the incident of the robbery caused a stir in the whole of Sweden when you know that the Prime Minister of Sweden himself interfered in this case. He himself spoke on the phone with the two robbers Eric and Clark. The prime minister also spoke to a woman officer of the bank who was held hostage by the robbers. Meanwhile, the robbers are pressing to fulfill their demands. On the other hand, the police is taking time. A suffocating condition. Six days passed like this.
Finally, after one hundred and thirty one hours of being hostage, everyone was rescued on October 28th. Having no other option, the police threw gas bombs and made everyone unconscious. Then a group of commandos entered through the back of the bank. The robbers were arrested and the hostages were taken to a local hospital for treatment. Everyone thought that the robbers were arrested and the problem was resolved. The trouble has only just begun. When journalists went to interview the hostages after the rescue, they were surprised to discover that there was no hatred or anger towards the robbers, but rather support and sympathy for the kidnappers. A female bank official named Christiane Enmark even praised the robbers, saying that one night when she was shivering in the cold, the robber named Eric threw his woolen jacket over her. When the police were arresting the two robbers, the hostages shook hands with them and said goodbye. Such scenes are not seen in movies. Another woman became involved in a romantic relationship with one of the robbers after being held hostage. Can be thought of. After this sensational event, psychologists called it Stock Home Syndrome to describe the overall state of mind of the affected person. It was added to the dictionary in 1974. Of course, this is not the first sign of this love towards the abductor or torturer. Psychologists called capture bonding syndrome when this happened before.
After the infamous bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden, it became known as Stockholm Syndrome. The first symptom of Stockholm syndrome is coexistent support or sympathy for the abductor. At the same time, a hostile attitude arises in the mind of the victim towards the police or other persons who stand against those criminals. He starts thinking of kidnappers as friends and police and others as enemies. This psychological complication has a profound effect on the captive's mind and continues to develop over days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or torture. Instead of fear or hatred, the hostage begins to sympathize with his captor. Gradually, the prisoner began to think of the hostage's intentions as his own. Help them in their work. Many years before the birth of the name Stock Home Syndrome. In nineteen thirty-three, a twenty-five-year-old girl named Mary McIlroy was kidnapped by four men. Since Miri's father is a rich politician, they demanded a ransom of sixty thousand dollars from him, and after a bargain of thirty thousand dollars, they released Mary. Later, three kidnappers among them were arrested and punished, but Mary stood in court and took the side of the kidnapper.
At the same time they requested the judge to reduce the sentence. Everyone from Mary's lawyer to the judge was shocked. In the years that followed, Mary made it a routine to visit the men in prison and bring them gifts. No one is better off in prison. Those prisoners were not good either. But Mary could not accept their not being this good. Mary committed suicide on January 21, 1944. His suicide note was written. Except for the four people who kidnapped me, everyone in the world thought I was a fool and an ass. All four of them just respected me as a complete human being. So I love them.
Why is there so much love for crime even after being a victim of crime? The answer to this question is somewhat difficult because these cases are so few that much study has not yet been possible for mental health organizations. When someone is abducted he becomes extremely afraid and terrified. Naturally at this time the fear of death was born in his mind. When a person is taken hostage, the subconscious mind thinks that he will be subjected to unspeakable torture, he will have to go through severe pain and finally be killed. At this time, if the abductor behaves kindly towards the hostage instead of harsh behavior, then he does an honest deed in the mind of the hostage. He is a great person. It means that the hostage starts to think of the kidnapper as a great person. In many cases it is seen that the abductors do not behave violently and instead maintain honesty with the prisoner. In these cases, a strange mental peace and bond is created between the prisoner and the criminal. However, a group of psychologists do not believe in the existence of Stock Home Syndrome. To them it is all nonsense. In some cases, it has been seen that even after being subjected to physical and mental torture, the victim's illusion of the oppressor is working. Researchers say such incidents occur when someone is tortured or held hostage for a long time. Being together for a long time creates an emotional connection between the criminal and the hostage.
A tendency develops in him to look down on the bad deeds of the criminal. Again, due to not being rescued for a long time, he developed a kind of hatred towards the law enforcement forces and even his own family. He starts to think that neither the police nor his family are actually doing their best to rescue him. That is why he has to live in such a situation. From here he joins the gang of criminals. The cases of stock home syndrome are not only scattered in different parts of the world. If you search, you will see that many people suffering from this syndrome are walking around. Although it is a slightly different case, don't call the housewives who keep their families alive after years of abuse by their husbands suffering from stock home syndrome? The most important thing is that from the point of view of psychology, it is not a disease, just a special form of human mental state or reaction, but those who are going through this complex mental state must seek the help of a good psychiatrist. Because in the long term this mental condition will definitely suffer people. Problems like depression and anxiety can arise from this.
In therapy, psychotherapists and psychologists inform the victims of Tocom syndrome about the coping mechanism, knowing what happened to him and why, who was responsible for the incident, forget the incident, and counsel them on how to move forward in life. In this case, it is very important to bring positive emotions. If you see signs of stuck home syndrome in someone, avoid scolding them. His mental state is much different than yours or mine. Nothing more than that.
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