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What is Area Fifty One? What is happening inside the secret area of US military?

  Area Fifty One

It is an unknown world. There is no mobile network, no sweet sign. There is not much of a road or life without a pitch. There is not even the slightest exposure to the culture and society of the outside world. It is very rare to know what this innocent and brutal secret really is. It is sometimes called the Alien Laboratory. A lot of research has been done on UFOs or unidentified flying objects. Many people think that once you enter a place, you can't get out. This area remains a myth to outsiders. At least not yet. It is said to be the most secret and mysterious area of ​​the world. Name Area Fifty One. Wrapped in an impenetrable cloak of secrecy since its inception, the mystery surrounding Area Fifty-One has deepened by the day. Several conspiracy theories have been born over time from this frozen mystery.

This infamous and ironically well-known iconic area covers thirty-nine million acres of mountainous desert, one hundred and fifty kilometers northwest of Las Vegas in the southern state of Nevada, USA. The place is called by many names like Dreamland, Paradise Bank, Homey Airport and of course area fifty one. Let's take our journey today to the infamous and exciting area fifty one. Start from the very beginning.

On July 8, 1947, it was published in several US newspapers that a UFO or unidentified flying object had crashed and landed near Rosewell, New Mexico. And from that UFO found aliens with big eyes and thin body. As the news spread, the US army surrounded the area. A US soldier named Walter Hutt passed on this information before his death. But this claim was dismissed as false by the United States. The US government issued a statement saying that the area belonged to the US military and that a gas balloon had crashed in the area. Even if the commotion started among the people, it stopped slowly. During the Cold War, the state was in full swing. Tensions are high between the Soviet Union and the United States. At that time there was no satellite surveillance technology. The only way to do this was through photography. Collecting information through full surveillance aircraft. This work was not possible in any way with normal aircraft. A further problem was the vast size of the Soviet Union. Their radar system was also considerably improved. As a result, it was impossible to take pictures by evading the radar. It was then planned that such an aircraft was needed that could climb very high. As a result will not be caught on the radar. Any anti-aircraft missile cannot reach that height. Then, after much research, the YouTube spy plane was created in 1955. 

The whole project was a strictly confidential affair. The reason the aircraft is named U is because U stands for UTU. ie the Department of Transportation. It looked like a normal cargo plane. It is actually a spy plane that is kept secret under the cover of this U. US military officer Eisen ordered the test and development of our YouTube aircraft. The US Air Force needs a testing ground to test this new spy plane. Since YouTube is an airplane, they needed an area far away from the locality. After much searching, the United States acquired a sixty square mile area near a top secret CIA project in the Yucca Valley, away from the public eye. Airbase is established here for the testing of YouTube spy planes. Although the base is built on a former airfield of the Air Force. which was used for bombing in World War II. It is said that various types of modern US military aircraft such as YouTube X Fifteen and A Twelve are manufactured here. Of which the aircraft called A twelve was built in the nineteen fifties and sixties. It was capable of flying at a speed of about twenty-two miles per hour beyond radar range. During the year nineteen sixty this bay was extended to more than six hundred square miles.

 New airfields and buildings are built in the meantime. The Nevata section of the Atomic Energy Commission is closed if it moves within this area. Each gate is closed by surrounding it. Access to the general public is prohibited. Born in Area Fifty-One. At first, the US government denied Area 51 in many tumults. America has been telling the people of the world for a long time that Area 51 is their most secure military air base. The surprising thing is that in the year 2013, the US government recognized Area 51. The United States government at that time was so keen to protect the secret that they did not keep any information about it in official documents or documents. Military or civilian aircraft were not allowed to enter the airspace except for aircraft designated for that location. In other words, the base was officially declared as a no-fly zone. Area Fifty-one's extreme secrecy and sophisticated security systems have raised suspicions even among the American public. They all suspected something bad was happening in this region. After all, Americans are worried about their kingdom's fantasy, such as aliens, doomsday projects, etc. But what upsets them the most is aliens. So what exactly are these seeds? A fly zone for spy planes? Alien zone or something else entirely. At one time you could often go up to Area Fifty One. But many curious citizens, including protestors, continue to destroy their privacy by protesting at the nearby nuclear test site. As a result, in 1984, Area Fifty One management declared a lot of land around their base as an Air Force base and gun service.

But even then it was possible for hikers to travel to two points on one side of the mountain that can be seen from afar. As a result, television and news paper people began to gather there. But then silence. They are closed. Area Fifty One is completely separated from the outside world. After many years, Area Fifty One did not make headlines. It gradually disappears from people's minds once. One day suddenly there is news that an unidentified flying object or UFO has been seen rising in the sky above Area Fifty One. diameter. Gossip runs between people like the tide of the sea. However, it is not known what the source was. But the story does not stop? Slowly that story is also lost. Again this need western waste land becomes lonely for a long time. But one day one man changes everything. November thirteenth nineteen ninety nine. Las Vegas Nevada KLS TV news reporter George Map told an incredible story. Nine flying saucer discs have been seen in the sky of area fifty one. Then another scientist, Robert Scott Ledger, said that the US government had made tremendous technological advances by capturing the remains of those UFOs. He claimed that he was working in the S force section of area fifty one. There he has done some documents which are dealing with anti gravity react. He claimed that he was more surprised to see these documents than to see nine UFOs in the hangar there. They used an unknown element called One One Five that is so heavy that it is almost impossible to find on Earth. Of course this element comes from an outside source where such super heavy elements are produced naturally. He also said that the US government has more than five hundred pounds of One One Five Elements stockpiled in the region. This element is highly radioactive and heavier than any other element. This element is very useful for moving forward by grasping gravity. Even so far scientists have failed to produce any element of this mass in the laboratory. One babbling was enough to spark worldwide speculation about the inner workings of Area Fifty-One in the Nevada desert. He initially kept his identity a secret for fear of his life, but later interviews were conducted one after another revealing his true identity. This scientist who exploded another bomb with area fifty one, he said in a TV interview that there is a spacecraft destroyed by aliens inside the ghat. By dissecting the body of an alien who died in an accident, it is known that the creature came from a horoscope named Critical of Four. The height of the animal is three and a half feet long, slender body, black and big eyes.

This gentleman became an overnight celebrity. It can be said that he was a blessing name for UFO and alien believers. Ledger later claimed that the US government was trying to make him crazy by erasing all records of his education. In the mid-nineties, a seventeen-minute video clip suddenly went viral. In which a group of people wearing protection suits are seen researching the body of a small alien, but there is enough doubt about the video. The style of moving their equipment was very similar to mine. Which proves it as fake. People began to camp near Area Fifty-One just to catch a glimpse of the UFO. In the early 1990s, the fort acquired another 4,000 acres of land and mountains. As a result, fifty-one in the area for outsiders became more distant.

 The region became a devoted center of attraction for UFO hunters. They started to gather in the nearby Craze town and wondered what the head is going on there. In 1996, Route Three Seven Five in the state of Nevada was renamed the Extraterrestrial Highway. The imagination does not stop here. The transfer of both matter and energy through teleportation is believed to be possible. Many people think that Area Fifty One is working on this strange topic of science fiction. Some see smoke in that area, some see flying unreal objects. But what are the reasons for these? It remains unknown. Interestingly, according to conspiracy theorists, Neil Arms Strong did not land on the moon at Area Fifty One. Conspiracy theorist Bilkes is the proponent of this sensational idea. In nineteen seventy-four, he won his win ever win to the moon America's thirty billion dollar swingle. In the book, he wanted to prove with various arguments that no American astronaut even landed on the moon. It was all a joint hoax by the US government and NASA to destroy Russia's dream of landing on the moon.

Even now only five percent of Americans believe that man never went to the moon. All the shooting has been done in Area Fifty-One. According to some conspiracy theorists, the United States government has built a huge bunker underground in Area Fifty-One. And there is the air traffic blessed with the latest technology. Those planes are hidden there so that no one can find any trace of them through satellite. The US government officially recognized the existence of Area Fifty One for the first time in 2013. Earlier the locals knew that something strange was happening in the desert but no one could verify it in detail. The base facility is being improved day by day. The satellite image gives some sensational information then. US satellites took pictures of Corona and Terra Area Fifty One, all of which the US government deleted from the database. Now, however, the area fifty-one high on Google Maps is rich in information or fails to provide knowledge about it. Most early morning visitors see its strange lights flickering in the sky. No. It's not a UFO. It is actually a type of callsign called Janet. Which is the signal to move personnel from Las Vegas to Area Fifty-One.

 What is actually going on in America's most secret military base? 

According to some, some advanced technologies are being researched there, including advanced stealth technology, weapons, electric warplanes and especially unmanned aerial vehicles. According to noted historian Chris Pakshak, research is underway on advanced radio communication systems, classifier traps, energy weapons and lasers. Although these are only theoretical concepts so far, the Russian spy satellite Inox and the Russian civilian satellite have taken high-resolution images of what was going on inside Area Fifty-One during the Russian Cold War. In this picture, almost everything on the inner surface is revealed. This picture shows that there are seven runways inside Area Fifty One. But what is happening inside is not known. As a result we have to stop coming here. Notices have been posted around Area Fifty One to warn enthusiasts. Where it is written use of technical force authorized. Which means that if you enter despite the ban, you will surely die. The question remains. What is happening inside this fifty one? What do you think? You can tell in the comment box. So far today.


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