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What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Depression has an additional air or disease in English which is called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD and in Bengali it is called Suchibai. Sounds like a very common disease doesn't it? We do not give importance to this disease because it is made fun of because it is considered normal. And on that occasion, this weed grows bigger. Pain increases and that pain is much more intense than depression.

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. OCD can affect men, women and children. Some people start having symptoms early, often around puberty, but it usually starts during early adulthood. Here is a detail view of OCD.

According to the report of the World Health Organization, about 700,000 people commit suicide in the world every year. Ninety percent of these suicides are due to depression. People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD may rarely reach the stage of suicide. But the life they lead is no less painful than death. It is one such disease, the cause of which is not known. No cure is known to be 100% sure. If it is identified as a disease more incurable than cancer, then it will not be wrong. How this disease affects people's lives worse than depression.

 OCD is an anxiety disorder. In the list of the World Health Organization, this medical disability is one of the main ten diseases. Suchibai is not a rare disease at all. One in every fifty people around the world suffer from this disease at some point in their life.

This disease usually starts in childhood and adolescence. Both men and women can suffer from this disease. Close relatives are five times more likely to develop this disease. In terms of importance, the name of OCD comes after depression, phobic disorder, drug addiction. The prevalence of this disease is very high. And so this disease is treated with considerable importance in medical science. Checking something twice is normal. It is possible to check whether the gate is locked before going to bed at night. Or verifying whether the lights of the outer room have been turned off. You can do these things twice instead of once. Are there mistakes? Be sure. But if you lock the door or turn off the light, if you do it five to seven times in a short period of time, you will understand that it is not normal. There is a big problem here.

Obsessive compulsive disorder is basically a mental disorder. It is born from mental instability and anxiety. It is a disorder that can have obsessions or compulsions or both. The word obsession means having the same thought, image, or desire running through the mind over and over again. In this case, the affected person can understand that his thoughts are meaningless. Excess of necessity. Yet he cannot stop or control that thought or desire in any way. Discomfort naturally arises. For example, after leaving the house with a lock on the door and reaching the office, you suddenly notice that you cannot remember whether you locked the door or not. As this thought comes to mind again and again, a discomfort is created.

On the other hand, compulsion is the actions that a person does to reduce those obsessive thoughts or desires. To get rid of unnecessary thoughts, he went home from the office and checked whether the door was properly locked. Obsessive compulsive disorder patients may have both obsessions and compulsions together. Let's say an unusual thought about religion or sex comes to someone's mind again and again. He knows that it is not true. Which he is repeatedly going to remove from the mind. But the thought is not moving. What can be his state of mind? Many people stop praying repeatedly. Because of the upside-down thoughts that come to mind. Many people know that he has no physical illness. However, he continued to go to the doctor for various tests.

A student who has scored very well in SSC comes to HSC and reads only one page of a book over and over again. Because as soon as I go to the next page, he starts to think that I have not read the previous page. Thus it can be seen that he is trapped in a loop. In many areas including studies and sports, there is a need for opportunism. But when it becomes excessive and disrupts normal life, it should be considered as a disease.

Why do people suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? We do not yet have a perfect answer to this question. Like many other mental illnesses, no exact cause of OCD has yet been discovered. Some say it is due to the lack of function in certain areas of the brain. Some say it is due to changes in neurochemicals. Some are again positing genetic factors as the cause. Among these, the issue of small variations in certain areas of the brain is given the most priority. According to researchers, if genetic factors are responsible for fifty-five percent of OCD, environmental factors are responsible for forty-five percent. Apart from hereditary reasons it can be. Circumstances often play a role in scheduling. If they are victims of physical or sexual abuse during childhood, many times later people fall into this problem. Bacterial infections also cause acne in childhood. In many cases, the mother is more likely to develop OCD after giving birth.

But everyone is sure about one thing. Stress is largely responsible for this disease. Children may not express stress. So their expressions are slightly different from adults. Comparative discussion with classmates of school admission or exam pressure. Children's minds leave a black shadow unknown to the parents. Boys: Boys' dreams of menstruating in the evening play a major role in the onset of OCD in many cases. Marriage at a young age, pregnancy or child birth also affects it. The disease can start with any event in life. The stress of the person's life, seeing the abandoned bandages or waste lying on the side of the road but that can happen. But in very few cases it is due to physical diseases.

OCD is more likely to occur due to disturbances in the brain's neurochemical serotonin or glutamate metabolism. Maybe you have been suffering from a disease for a long time without your knowledge. This OCD has kept you in a maze of irrational thoughts for years without even realizing it. The thought that you can't get out of your head even if you want to and because of that you spend hours in the bathroom washing away the smoke. You are personally affected. Being a laughing stock to everyone. Your family, your professional life is getting affected severely. No one else in your family or society is doing this behavior. You are angry when you are interrupted. Arguing, eating, drinking, sleeping are disturbing everything. You are creating a circle of your own, your social distance from family and society is the only one, physical distance is increasing gradually, you are becoming housebound without your knowledge. From here you can gradually suffer from other mental diseases such as depression, phobia or panic disorder. Self-harm or suicidal tendencies may also occur.

If there are other physical diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, it will definitely go out of control. Even if the dose of medicine is increased then it is very difficult to control these diseases. A very important question,

 How do you know if you have OCD? Ask yourself a few questions. Do you overdo laundry or stay clean? Do not check anything extra. Do any unwanted thoughts come to your mind? Which you can't easily get out of your head even if you want. Does it take extra time to complete daily tasks? Do you have a tendency to arrange furniture, books, notebooks, clothes or anything in a certain pattern? If the answer to these questions is yes, then you are at risk of OCT.

The number of OCD patients around the world is huge. In the United States alone, 1 in 40 adults and 1 in 100 children suffer from this disease. It is not considered as a disease in Bangladesh. Because of this, statistics are not available on how many people are actually suffering from OCD in this country. But if you look around for such people you will find many. Many people have a lot of misconceptions about Suchibai. Most people think that the person suffering from this disease is actually overly fond of cleanliness. The matter is not limited to that. In most cases, the OCD sufferer has recurring thoughts mixed with fear about some complex disease. He fears that he might have cancer, AIDS or HIV, even though these are irrational fears. After putting the letter in the box, after a while it seems that the letter was not put properly.

As mentioned earlier, various types of panic grip these patients. Severe fear and apprehension appear in his mind centered on a particular object or situation. Many people have phobias, or an extreme fear of enclosed spaces. As a result, the patient is afraid to board the bus in the crowded train. Also, fear of going alone in empty places, fear of darkness, fear of serious illness, fear of loneliness, fear of seeing blood, fear of high places. Various types of panic are seen in OCD patients. As the physical symptoms of this type of anxiety, there is a feeling of suffocation, chest tightness, throat dryness and stiffness. You know what's the worst thing? Patients with Suchibia in the naked eye do not experience any problems other than the whims of cleanliness. So easily no one wants to accept it as a disease.

The inner pain of the sufferer is often neglected thinking that such and such thinking can only happen. Sometimes due to the nature of the problem and its content, the patient himself does not want to reveal his problem. The problem is not to tell anyone. Thinking like this, you want to control the problem yourself. But the reality is that treatment is very important for people suffering from this disease. The earlier treatment can be started the better.

Both medication and psychotherapy are needed. However, in the case of CBI, psychotherapy also wants to work less. Treatment of OCD involves psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy or a combination of these two. However, research shows that the combination of the two methods of treatment has better results in those who have been applied. Cognitive behavior therapy is very useful in psychological treatment. Here the patient's wrong thoughts are worked on. Especially the negative shots, the core believe is trying to reconstruct them.

Another method is pharmacotherapy or treatment with medicine. As the saying goes, don't be fooled by words. So patients expect some medicine. In fact, some anti-depressant prescriptions are very helpful for patients. OCD patients can have both excitement disorder and depressive disorder at the same time. Among them, it is mandatory to take medicine according to the doctor's advice. If at least six months, can be treated properly. But many are just fine. In some cases the disease may return after many days. Some are repeatedly affected and should be treated normally. Those suffering from OCD or Suchibai disease have to strictly follow several rules. Regular relaxation should be practiced. Yoga, mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises. Effective in reducing stress and tension in these patients. Get enough sleep and exercise. Alcohol and nicotine must be avoided. Sweet foods are extremely harmful for OCD patients. Eat more fruits. Since obsessive compulsive disorder is the most difficult type of anxiety neurosis. The diet of these patients should not include processed meat and fish and sweetened desserts.

 Other physical diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, can be controlled through regular treatment and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Just like this OCD disease can be controlled through treatment. Try to minimize these behaviors without thinking of them as normal. Be aware. Consult a psychiatrist if necessary. One thing to remember is that the biggest battle against OCD is your own battle. The most effective way to deal with any mental problem is to understand your own mind. If the work that the body cannot live without is harmful then you have to stop yourself from doing it. But here is the biggest problem. Ninety-nine percent of the people suffering from OCD do not get help from family or friends, rather they are laughed at for their actions. So if you see the signs of indexation in someone, stand by him.

Put a trusting hand on his shoulder and help him. Even a little carelessness can lead to serious consequences. Remember life is beautiful. No, I am not talking about the movie. Life is really beautiful if we are a little strategic and manage to deal with minor mental problems without avoiding them. OCD is a problem that has a cure. There is a way to get rid of that problem. Why then drown in this illegal sand and make life painful? If you are suffering from OCD, you have not committed any crime. Take action against the disease. Go to the doctor. Bring life into a routine. Increase mental strength. Because life is your responsibility to make it beautiful but also yours. Keep this in mind.


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