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Who controls of our whole economic money?

  I'm gonna start this article with a quote. Henry Ford once said it is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system. For if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. I quote this because it encapsulates the fact that the contents of this article may be unsettling compared to the articles that I normally make.

 I still feel compelled to make this article because I've been exploring the financial world for the last four years and it's definitely given me a more complete view of the world I want to share some of what I've come across with you guys. I'm also going to do a article about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in the future and to understand why Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies may continue to rise. It's critical that you understand the contents of this article. I hope that you find this topic interesting and that inspires you to do your own research afterwards. 

Now, with that said, let's begin. So who controls all of our money? It's a simple question. We all know that you and I don't control it. Our employees don't control it. The companies that they work for don't control it. So who does? Where does it even come from in the 1st place?

I'll give you a hint. Money does not come from the government. It's a seemingly obvious question that's never asked or taught in schools for some reason. Unfortunately, most people's lives are basically dedicated to money. It's all people ever worry about or talk about. We go to school to learn basically how to go to university to learn the skills to get a good job so that we can trade hours of our lives all for this thing called money. So why wouldn't you want to know where the money comes from and who issues it Today in this very special article you're about to find out the answer to the question of who controls all of our money? 

People today can tell something isn't quite right with our financial system, but they just can't put their finger on it. Some people think it's the failure of government, and others think that it's the failure of capitalism itself. This article should clarify a few things.

The year is 1694 and England had just suffered through 50 years of war. Exhausted the English Government needed loans to fund their political means. The brainchild of Scottish banker William Paterson. It was decided that a privately owned bank that could issue the money to the government out of thin air was to be the solution. This was the very first modern central banking system in the world. Central banking is more influential than laws, governments and politicians, but strangely not the focus of the general public. Fast forward to the early 20th century and after two failed attempts, a group of bankers wanted to put a central bank in the United States of America. It was December of 1910 and Senator Nelson Aldridge ordered a private train car in New York with six others. The six were not to be spotted by any news reporters to avoid questions. Their destination, is Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia. The meeting went on for 9 days and from that they created the Federal Reserve System. This is all documented and a matter of public record. Some of them went on to write about the meetings in their personal biographies.

Here's a quote from Frank Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, on February 9th, 1935, in the Saturday Evening Post. " I was a secretive indeed as furtive as any conspirator discovery we knew simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would be wasted. If it were to be exposed that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever a passage by Congress." The six men that Nelson Aldridge brought together included the head of Banks and branches of government, such as the Treasury and some of the richest people on Earth at the time. To give you an idea of how rich they were in 1910, these six men represented 1/4 of the world's worth. The bankers told the American public that the purpose of the system was to stabilize the economy and to stop the grip of the Wall Street banks over America, the problem was the guys that wrote the bill were the very same people. They said they'd stop if they succeeded. It will give a small group of men the ability to create money from nothing and loan it to the American government with interest. So why was it done in secret? 

Because the American people didn't want a central bank back then unlike today, people knew what central banks were and understood them very well everywhere a central bank went. There'll be wealth inequality and wild swings between economic booms and passes, and after each pass, those are the top of society mysteriously came out richer while everyone else got poorer. Europe was the running example of this at the time.

The Federal Reserve was originally drafted as the Aldridge bill, but when it came into Congress, they recognised Senator Aldridge's name and smelt a rat. The bankers needed better cover. They decided to send two millionaire friends to carry the bill. To quell the suspicions of Congress and renamed it the Federal Reserve Act. Next, in the textbook lesson on the state, the bank is set out to fool the American people through disinformation in the newspapers of the day, the bank is screened and protested against the new Federal Reserve bill. It would ruin the banks, they exclaimed. The average person read the protesting articles of the bankers and thought to themselves if the bankers hate it, it must be good. And then they ended up unknowingly supporting a Trojan horse.

The bankers also fall Congress by putting clauses in the bill that limited their power, only to remove them once the bill was passed. A double-head fake of the public and Congress was all it took. The bill was passed on December 23rd, 1913, while most of Congress was out on holiday, and with that, a small group had a complete monopoly over the issuing and creation of American money.

Today, the Federal Reserve is the most powerful entity in the United States and they're not ashamed to admit it either. Here's former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan,  " What should be the proper relationship between the chairman of the Fed and a President of the United States? Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means, basically, that. There is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take, what the relationships are, don't frankly matter."  

In addition to this, it seems that the Fed can't even be touched by investigating parties. " So I'm asking you if your agency has in fact, according to Bloomberg's extended $9 trillion in credit, which, by the way, works out to $30,000 for every single man, woman, and child in this country, I'd like to know if you're not responsible for investigating that who is."  " we actually we have responsibility for The federal reserves programs and operations. Audits to conduct Audits and investigations in that area. In terms of who's responsible for investigating Would you mind repeating the question one more time? Mr Chairman, my time is up but I have to tell you honestly I am shocked to find out that nobody at the Federal Reserve, including Inspector General, is keeping track of this." 

So what does all of this have to do with me, you might be asking? I don't even live in the US. Well, two reasons #1 the central banking model from the Bank of England and the United States has now been put in all countries and even consolidated power in parts of Europe as the European Central Bank, or ECB, this united separate countries under one economic policy, the only places in the world that don't have central banks are North Korea, Iran, and Cuba. In 2000, this list suspiciously included Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. 

And #2. Since the end of World War Two, the US dollar has been the reserve currency of the world. This means that all central banks hold U.S. dollars in their reserves. In other words, all other currencies are backed by the US dollar. This directly links your country to the Federal Reserve monetary policy in America. More on this lighter. When the post-World War Two monetary system called the Bretton Woods system was created, all U.S. dollars were backed by an exchangeable for gold. A byproduct of this was that currencies used to be very stable with each other. Before that, in All the countries the exchange rates were fixed and year after year you could predict what prices were going to be. You could start a business elsewhere, know if you were, you know you could calculate profits business was. much much easier before floating Exchange rates.

Unfortunately, in 1971, due to a falling U.S. dollar, international capital flows into gold and the funding of the Vietnam War. President Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard. "  I have directed Secretary Connolly to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets," said Nixon.  Now the dollar was floating and backed by nothing and has been ever since. OK, so let's think a little if the US dollar is backed by nothing but the world reserved are backed by the US Doller. 

Intrinsically since 1971, doesn't this mean that all currencies are now backed by nothing tangible, only trust in the American government? Well, this is correct. Money backed by nothing is known as Fiat currency. Fiat in Latin means let it be done. In other words, the government says it is money, so it is.

A consequence of having money backed by nothing is that whenever the Federal Reserve creates money, it dilutes the currency supply of all other nations because their reserves are backed by the US dollar. All country's reserves are worth less each time money is created.

In the past few years, the Federal Reserve has printed trillions of dollars, and countries like Russia and China have noticed this as a reaction to the money printing. These countries have been selling U.S. dollar reserves and buying gold over the same period.

But wait for a second, some of you clever thinkers out there may have asked yourself if every currency on Earth is backed by nothing. How am I able to pay for things? Well, as it turns out, the whole economic system today is running because it's backed by faith. Faith that you can exchange your unit of currency for goods or services. In a way, part of that faith comes from the fact that not many people actually know where the money comes from. We're about to find that out in this article.

A central bank is essentially the entity that manages a nation's money supply, and it can loan money to the government with interest. In the United States and most other countries, it works like this. When the government needs more money than they receive from taxes, they ask the Treasury Department for money. The Treasury then receives an IOU or bond from the government. The Treasury, through the banks, gives this IOU to the Federal Reserve. The Fed then writes a check for this IOU and hands it to the banks at this exchange at the banks, money is created and it can be used to pay government bills.

So hang on, where does the Fed get the money to be able to write this check? They get this money from nowhere. They literally just invent it. Here's a quote from the Boston Federal Reserve quote. When you or I write a cheque, there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check. But when the Federal Reserve writes a check, there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money End Quote.

 So in essence, they're writing a check and creating money from an account that has no money in it. The money the Federal Reserve creates can be used as legal tender to buy things and eventually makes its way into the real economy. If you and I did, we would go to jail for fraud, but they can do it because they invented the system. This is the same system used throughout the world today.

Another part of this money creation happens on the Commercial bank side. Every time you take out a loan to buy a house, car or TV, banks create money out of nowhere to give you this loan and you still have to pay interest on it. And don't just believe me when I say that. Hear it for yourself from the horse's mouth, the people running the system. Graham Towers, former governor of the Central Bank of Canada, states quote, " each and every time a bank makes a loan. New credit is created. New deposits brand new money" End Quote.  Paul Tucker, Deputy governor of the Bank of England, quote " banks extend credit by simply increasing the borrowing customers current account"  End Quote. So what they're basically saying is that each time the bank makes a loan, the bank doesn't use other people's deposited money and give it to you. It creates new money in modern times. This means typing digits into a computer.

97% of all money is digitally created like this. Only three per cent is the physical cash and coins that we carry. Another crazy thing that commercial banks can do is lend out 10 times more money than they actually have in reserves. This is called fractional reserve lending. 

So who wrote this ridiculous system into law?

So who wrote this ridiculous system into law?  The United States was part of the Federal Reserve System, drafted in 1913, and again this is the same system used throughout the world.

So what's the issue? Why should I even care?


 Who were the consequences? When more lines are given out, more money is created and the rest of the money in circulation is worth less and less as the years go on. This is known as inflation. In a way, inflation is basically a tax that we all pay for the fraud of money printing easy money now in exchange for a tax on our future generations. It's also why in 1950 a house used to cost $7000 and a car $2000. Obviously, this is no longer the same today. Things will always keep getting more expensive as long as this system is in place.

This was actually kind of OK because wages grew about inflation until about 2008. Why this stopped happening is a story for another day. So things are already pretty crazy, but they get even crazier the more you look into it the stranger things become. So remember how we're talking about how central banks and commercial banks can create money out of nothing? 

This procedure actually does create something. It creates debt. Let me explain. When you take out a loan, it's written down as an asset in the bank as a negative form, kind of like a negative value of money or otherwise known as debt. Under this system, debt is actually money. And again, don't just listen to me. Marriner Eccles, former governor of the Federal Reserve states quote. " If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn't be any money."  So in essence, instead of gold being the backbone of our economy, it's now debt.  The system we're under now is sometimes referred to as the debt based monetary system. It requires that debt always grows countries and people must become deeper in debt so that there's more money in the system because remember, debt is money.

If people in government stop borrowing money and pay back loans, the debt doesn't grow. The money supply shrinks and the system falters. It truly is bizarre, but we all live in this system each and every day. The Federal Reserve and other central banks control money by adjusting its supply and how much it costs to borrow money, otherwise known as the interest rate. With these tools, and as a consequence of human group psychology, central banks can create booms and busts in the economy at will, and also store and derail an economy by messing with it. Let's take a quick case study in the year 2000, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan cut interest rates to 1%. He did this to try and fight off recession from the dot com bubble and encourage people to borrow money when interest rates are low. If you're borrowing money, you save a whole lot on repaying mortgages. Since the 1% interest rate hadn't been seen at the time since the 1950s. It was a pretty good deal. Greenspan's idea was that he could create a wealth effect. People would start to buy houses. The prices would go up, and the people would feel wealthier and spend more money on the economy and stimulate it. Greenspan sure succeeded in getting people to borrow money to buy houses, but they borrowed too much and the result was the 2008 housing bubble. This is a prime example of what can go wrong when central banks mess with an economy. Yes, corrupt bankers have a lot to answer for their role in the 2008 crisis, but the Fed has a far bigger long-term impact.

Even crazier things are happening in Japan. Their central bank is buying so many stocks that they were the number one buyer of Japanese stocks in 2016, so they have part ownership of companies with money that they created from nothing.

So in essence, it is the central banks that control our economy and the central and commercial banking system together that control all of our money. The difference is central banks can create money at will while commercial banks need loans to create money.

To give you an idea of people's views of central banking, when people actually knew what central banks were, here are a couple of examples in 1881. Then-president of the United States, James Garfield states quote. "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another by a few powerful men at the top. You will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate"  End Quote.

Benjamin Franklin, in his autobiography, stated that the primary reason for the American War of Independence was a battle over who actually controlled and issued the money to the new colonies. Moving on to more modern times, Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman states, quote "the Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression by contracting the amount of currency in circulation by 1/3 from 1929 to 1933" End Quote.

So with all this being said, some would argue that central banks are not inherently a bad thing. They just need to be part of the government and not privately owned. The government should be able to issue its own money for the benefit of the people and shouldn't have to pay massive interest on its own debt. This was tried at least once in the United States by President Lincoln who stated this,  "The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be mastered. Become the servant of humanity".  Abraham Lincoln then issued his own government money. It was called the greenback. No further comments on that story.

So I think we'll end the article there. There's so much more that I could cover about what central banking decisions led to, what revolutions around the world. Pretty much when you look at it, all revolutions and all wars when you dig through everything, it all boils down to money.

 I could also have talked about the new global movement of those who are rejecting the debt-based economic system. People are starting to move their currency into gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel. That's a whole another story for another day. Anyways, if you've read the whole way through this article, congratulations, you're one of the few who have found out the hidden truths about who controls all of our money. I think I've only met about few people in real life that have been aware of the debt-based economic system.

Is strangely unknown, but is as true as anything? I haven't showed you all the quotes of the bankers and the former heads of the Federal Reserve telling you from their own mouths how the system actually works. If this is your first time hearing all of this, I encourage you. As I said before, do your own research and then you'll start to see the bigger picture and the world today will make a whole lot more sense.

If you want some good starting resources, I recommend Mike Maloney's hidden Secrets of Money series. It's there on YouTube.  

If you are into reading and you want to know more about the history of the Federal Reserve, I recommend the book by Jedward Griffin. The creature from Jekyll Island. So anyway, I think I'll start talking now. Thanks for reading this whole article attentively.  I really hope you learned something from this article and I'll see you again soon for the next episodes. Cheers, guys. Have a good one. Express your opinion in the comment below about the modern fraud of economics. Thanks a lot for reading the whole article.



  1. Thanks for your awesome contents for us . It was soo knowledgeable to me .


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